Welcome to our blog for our Princess.
Thanks so much to Kendra for designing the page and helping her unknowledgeable
aunt navigate herself around the site.
We wanted to create this site to keep Danielle's memory alive and bright.
To also, share her story with her family and many many friends. We hope you will all
remember her very special spirit and that deep voice once in a while with a smile.
We hope you will enjoy the memories and share your special ones.


When I feel the spirit....

I usually get the cold chills and some type
of warm feeling inside.
I feel happy and I know I'm not alone...
Depending on how strong it is,
I occasionally tear up.
The spirit is especially strong when
I am sharing it with someone who is
in a shortage of it and they can feel it too.

Next is a poem we found that Danielle
had written while she
was in middle school.


April 7, 1987
A miracle happened that day.
A little girl came from heaven,
Family and friends shouted, "Hooray!"

I am the third child,
I have one sister and three brothers.
The only girl for quite a while.
Of course Linda is my mother.

My Father is Kurt,
He is not very mean.
My Dad hardly gets hurt,
He is very kean.

My brother Kris,
Is serving a an L.D.S. mission.
To whom I miss,
He occasionally used to go fishin'.

Soon to return,
with a few months left.
For which we yearn,
Seeing him will be such a gift.

Jarrett works and goes to school up north,
Having much fun.
On a mission I hope he goes forth.
He is my parents' second son.

Jordon is the third boy,
He is such a brat.
Off and on he plays with toys,
Hardly ever does he wear a hat.

Hayley is last,
making us laugh.
She grew so fast,
A couple months older than three and a half.

I like to be with my friends,
I'm hardly ever home.
Our fun and laughter never ends,
But sometimes I like to be alone.

We like to watch Delta's basketball games,
And check out the cute boys there,
I won't mention any names,
But some of them truly make us stare.

Snowboarding is what I like to do,
Riding on powder,
Hitting jumps is always fun too.
When I get home I eat Clam Chowder.

I learned to board about three years ago,
My brother Jarrett showed me how.
There's nothing better than riding the snow,
Hardly ever do I plow.

Longing for winter every year,
The snow to fall,
My board to catch the air.
It's better than the mall.

I have been dancing for years,
Sometimes I want to quit.
It scares me to perform in front of my peers,
Ask my mom, I always throw a fit.

This poem is coming to an end,
I knew it would be near.
It's not far around the bend,
Look, it's finally here.

Danielle Sorensen 2001